New Zealand Woman’s Weekly is the country’s most read woman’s magazine. A true publishing icon, the Weekly shares stories of real New Zealand women as well as in-depth royal news and celebrity features from abroad. The magazine also inspires with relevant and aspirational content covering all things food, style, home and entertaining.
Royals go Racing • The chic quartet wins in the style stakes
This week in...
Petra’s Adhd surprise It’s Not A Terrible Thing’ • Learning about her ‘neurospiciness’ has led Petra to be more compassionate to her past and present selves
The Fright Lotus
Geri’s Big Change
Ciao, Donatella!
Kate’s Kiwi dream ‘I Might See You There!’ • Will the Windsors take time out for an antipodean adventure later this year?
Meghan Confesses • The Duchess reveals her latest business idea
Brave Gisèle
Vatican visit
Séance fiction Soul Sisters Laura & Ginette
It’s a Bott time! Cj’s Romantic Proposal • The football star knew Ryan was her perfect match, but he still made her cry!
Breaking taboos for laughs Nicola’s Pop Shock • The stand-up star is putting her body on the line to highlight a women’s issue
Follow the leader! Celebrity Gurus
Meghan or Martha? Which Guru Best Suits You? • Do you like to be hands-on and get your hands dirty or do you prefer to arrange the flowers and play host? Answer the questions to find out!
Teacher’s scary ordeal ‘I’m The Same Person Inside’ • A case of listeria left Grace in a coma and insisting ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’
Off-the-grid feeds Terressa’s Traditional Kai
Lifestyle Weekly
Jamie’s air fryer Favourites • The TV chef gives us a sneak peek at three of his healthy new recipes
Baking Bliss • Satisfy those sweet cravings with these easy-to-make goodies
Liquid Assets • Blend up these delicious smoothies and juices for a nutrition boost in a jiffy
What’s Hot Right Now • Products we’re loving this week
Smooth Operator Fuzzy To Flawless! • Is it time to shave your face? The truth about dermaplaning
Blouses Two Ways • A statement top can add multiple stylish looks to your wardrobe
Forest Bathing • Autumn’s crisp air and rich colours make it the perfect season to absorb nature’s healing powers, and best of all, it doesn’t cost a cent!
The Side-hustle Playbook • Whether your goal is financial freedom, creative fulfilment or a career change, could that hobby or passion be an earner?
10 Step Debt Detox • Take back control! How to blitz your cash crisis once and for all
Budget Bliss On The House! • No money? No worries. A lot can be achieved with a bit of DIY determination and an eye for economy
The Story Of My Life • Kevin’s reached a milestone that his beloved mum and dad never made
Uncomfortable Dress Code • Michèle warns of an office fashion trend that is wearing thin
It’s In The Stars • Your horoscopes for the week March 24-30
Join The Weekly Conversation • Share your opinions, stories and photos with us!
Off to a Bad Starch • Jeremy’s desire to save cash and grow his own has ended in a bellyache
Stating The Obvious • Kerre ponders the reason for the banal day-to-day interactions we all have
Weekly Entertainment
Sir Bob Geldof • The Boomtown Rats and Live Aid legend hits Auckland and Wellington for a tour
Reading CORNER • With best-selling author Nicky Pellegrino
Star Weekly
Star Weekly
Kiwi Duo On Track • The hottest celebrity scoop